- Date added: Added 2 weeks ago
- Category: LOTS & LAND
- Status: Active
- Lot size: 3484800 sq ft
- County: Cerro Gordo
- Acres: 80 acres
- Price Per SQFT: $0.01
- MLS ID: 6325217
This property offers CRP income as well as being closely located to the Elevator. The farm is composed of one tract totaling 80 acres, more or less, located in Sec 27-94N-19W. Highlights: Great CSR CRP Income Close to Elevator Location of Auction: One Chance Sealed Bid Auction due by 5 PM CST on April 11th, 2024. You can download the bidding packet in the documents tab below or call our office and we can mail you a bidding packet. Date of Auction: Friday, April 11th, 2025 at 5 PM Legal Description: Sec 27-94N-19W (Parcel ID 162730000300, 162730000400) Selling Multiplier: 80 acres Taxable Acres: 76.31 Taxes: $2,498 Estimated Tillable Acres: 71.39 (Surety Maps) CSR2: 85.2 (Tillable) Zoning: A-1 Ag Farm Tenancy: The Farm is rented for the 2025 crop season. CRP Information: *Found in the documents tab Total CRP Acres: 3.2 -Total $912 Annually Contract # Acres $/ AC Annual Payment Start date End Date Years Left 11541B 0.60 $220 $132 05-01-2020 09-30-2030 5 12053 2.60 $300 $780 10-01-2024 09-30-2034 9 FSA Information (156 Farm Record): *Found in the documents tab. FSA Number: # 8922 FSA Tract Number: #6564 FSA Farmland Acres: 75.98 +/- FSA Cropland Acres: 75.98 +/- HEL & WETLANDS: NHEL Total Base Acres: 72.78 Corn Base: 36.49 PLC Yield: 154 Soybean Base: 36.29 PLC Yield: 40
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- Directions: From Sheffield, head East on 255th St toward N Cres Dr for 6.4 miles. Then turn left onto Vine Ave for 1.6 miles. Turn right onto 110th St for 0.3 miles. The farm will be on the left (North).
Amenities & Features
- Style: Lots & Land
- Association: RLIT
- Auctioneer License: 1234
- Contingency: None
Fees & Taxes
- Gross Taxes: $2,498
- Tax Year: 2022
- Net Taxes: $2,498